About Stacey Skrysak
Triple Heart Foundation
Stacey Skrysak is a seasoned television journalist, writer, and public speaker. But her proudest role is becoming a mother. She’s the parent of a 22 weeker surviving triplet and two children in Heaven.

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Hearing Stacey’s story is convicting, compelling and emotionally charging. She weaves her unique experiences into lessons that we can all learn from, encouraging us to love deeper and find the good in life’s struggles and grief. Her writing and her speaking – not to mention her friendship – have definitely changed me for the better!
Overcoming Challenges, Finding Life After Loss- Illinois Women In Leadership Symposium, Speaker, 2018
How Child Loss and Premature Birth Shaped Who I Am Today, Illinois Women in Communication, 2018
Love Your Body, Overcoming Challenges – Keynote Speaker, St. John’s Hospital 2017
Infertility: Finding Life after Loss, Premature Birth
High-Risk Pregnancy
Multiple Gestation Pregnancy
Extended Bedrest
Pregnancy after Perinatal, Neonatal, or Infant Loss
Pregnancy after Prematurity
Perinatal Mental Health (PPD, PTSD, ASD, etc)
How to Foster Positive Relationships with NICU Doctors and Nurses
Positive Interaction with a Doctor
Positive Interaction with a Nurse
Other Topics Surrounding Bereavement
Life After the NICU: Discharge Planning
Life After the NICU: Managing Multiple Specialists
Life After the NICU: Transitioning into School Years
Life After the NICU: Maximizing your Early Intervention Experience
Life After the NICU: Developmental Care
Peer to Peer Support
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